Colors and shapes in motion
The knowledge of the palette knife falls in a pertinent way on the inspirational substrate of the painter, who ends up fully understanding the structuring function of light, transposing it into a pictorial dimension of very light and transparent chromatic veils: spread over each other, these suggest the depth.
The colors shine and are dressed in infinite shades in a modulated range, giving excellence to the image, as is inherent in the legacy of ancient Venetian painting. Red and green, a favorite of Veronese, coexist in mutual complicity, together with soft and variegated blues, in a tonal system worthy of the most authoritative Venetian tradition.
Giulia Sillato
Verona, 2011

I am excited to present my art book which is part of the series “Percorsi tra Arte e Filosofia” (Paths between Art and Philosophy), Edizioni ARTinGENIO in Florence.
The book is available on the platforms:,, and at Edizioni ARTinGENIO.